Disciplinary Results

Beshara, Christopher  NCAL# 7443  (Newton, NC)

Effective October 1, 2010, Christopher Beshara's auctioneer license was permanently revoked for failure to pay for or return unsold property. This is a violation of G.S. 85B-7.1(a),(b);21 NCAC 4B.0404(a)(11); 21 NCAC 4B.0404(a)(12). Mr. Beshara waived his right to appeal as allowed by law and agreed to the Board`s findings of violations.

Beshara, Christopher  NCAL# 7443  (Newton, NC)

Effective October 1, 2010, Mr. Beshara's auctioneer's license was permananetly revoked for failure to pay consigner for items sold. This is a violation of G.S. 85B-7(b),(d); G.S.85B-7.1(a),(b); G.S. 85B-8(a)(3); G.S. 85B-8(a)(7); G.S. 85B-8(a)(10); 21 NCAC 4B.0404(a)(11); 21 NCAC 4B.0603(a),(c); 21 NCAC 4B.0604(a),(c),(e),(f),(g). Mr. Beshara waived his right to appeal as allowed by law and agreed to the Board`s findings of violations.

Black Cat & White Dog Auction  NCAL# 6229  (Benson, NC)

Black Cat & White Dog Auction's auction firm license was revoked for conducting an auction in this State without first having a written agreement with the owner of the property to be sold; for failing to maintain consignment records; for failing to maintain sales records; for failing to maintain a trust or escrow account and for failing to deposit in the account all funds that are received for the benefit of another person that is not disbursed to the seller on auction day; for failure to account for or to pay over within a reasonable time, not to exceed 30 days, funds belonging to another which have come into the licensee's possession through an auction sale; for commingling the funds or property of a client with the licensee's own or failing to maintain and deposit in a trust or escrow account in an insured bank or savings and loan association located in North Carolina funds received for another person through sale at auction; for failing to deposit in an escrow account funds within three business days after receipt of same; for failing to prepare a receipt or settlement statement in compliance of G.S. 85B-7.1(a) and maintain records in compliance with G.S. 85B-7.1(b); and for failing to establish and maintain a custodial account for sellers proceeds. Jane F. Cook waived her right to appeal as allowed by law and agreed to the Board's findings of violations.

Blanton's Auction House  NCAL# 9497  (Laurinburg, NC)

Effective September 19, 2014, Blanton's Auction House License was revoked for violation of the following: G.S. 85B-4(g) An auction firm must be licensed by the Board even though no owner or officer of the firm acts as an auctioneer; G.S. 85B-7(a) No licensee shall conduct an auction in this State without first having a written agreement with the owner of any property to be sold; G.S. 85B-8(a)(2) A continued and flagrant course of misrepresentation or making false promises, either by the licensee, an employee of the licensee, or by someone acting on behalf of and with the licensees consent, (3) Any failure to account for or to pay over within a reasonable time, not to exceed 30 days, funds belonging to another which have come into the licensees possession through an auction sale, and (10) Failure to properly make any disclosures or to provide documents or information required by this Chapter or by the Commission; 21 NCAC 4B .0405(b) All auctioneers, apprentice auctioneers and auction firms, including their principals and designated person(s), shall report to the Board any and all civil suits involving them that are based upon any allegation of gross negligence, dishonesty, fraud, misrepresentation or incompetency, or that in any way involve an auction sale or a transaction related to an auction matter or auctioneering. The Board must receive written notice of any such civil suit within 30 days of the date the complaint in the suit is served on the defendant in the action, or the date a pleading containing one or more of these allegations is served on a party; and, 21 NCAC 4B .0601(a) All licensees shall notify the Board in writing of each change or addition of residence or business address (including mailing address) and change of trade name, assumed name, or combination of names under which the licensee conducts business related to auctions. Blanton's Auction House waived its right to appeal as allowed by law and agreed to the Board's findings of violations.

Booth, Michael L.  NCAL# 2349  (Bonifay, FL)

Effective October 8, 2001, Mr. Booth voluntarily surrendered his North Carolina auctioneer license. This action resulted from Mr. Booth failing to report to the Board any and all criminal arrests for, charges of or convictions of misdemeanors that have as an essential element dishonesty, deceit, fraud, or misrepresentations, or any arrests, charges or convictions of any felonies and for failing to possess truth, honesty and integrity sufficient to be entitled to the high regard and confidence of the public. A Settlement Agreement and Consent Order were entered into between the Board and Mr. Booth, prior to a scheduled hearing, in which he agreed to the above stipulations. Mr. Booth admitted to the Board`s findings of violations.

Bostic, Misti Leigh  NCAL# 8746  (Concord, NC)

Effective February 20, 2012, Misti Leigh Bostic's auctioneer license was permanently revoked for failure to pay the seller for items sold at auction; failure to pay the seller in a timely fashion; and Ms. Bostic demonstrates a lack of financial responsibiity. This is a violation of N.C.G.S. 85B-4(a), N.C.G.S. 85B-8(a)(10) and (11) and 21 NCAC 4B.0404(a)(12). Ms. Bostic waived her right to appeal as allowed by law and agreed to the Board`s findings of violations.

Broken Arch Auction, LLC  NCAL# 9399  (Weaverville, NC)

Pursuant to a Consent Order entered into between the licensees and the Board, licensees Travis Wilson and Broken Arch Auction, LLC paid a civil penalty in the amount of $750.00 and received a Letter of Reprimand for violation of NCGS 85B-7.1(a) regarding settlement statement signatures, 21 NCAC .04B .0604(g) involving buyer's premium not authorized by consigning sellers, and 21 NCAC 04B .0605(a) involving licensee/licensee employees placing bids in an auction without announcing that activity to all bidders. Per the provisions of N.C.G.S. 85B, all collected civil penalties are forwarded to local school boards. The effective date of the Consent Order was April 8, 2024.

Buell, Jesse B.  NCAL# 5858  (Williamston, NC)

Effective January 18, 2000, Jesse Buell's auctioneer license was suspended indefinitely for failing to report federal felony indictments. Following an investigation into this matter, the Board found probable cause to suspend or revoke Jesse Buell`s auctioneer license and referred the matter to the Office of Administrative Hearings as prescribed by Chapter 150B. Jesse Buell failed to respond as required and the Board suspended Jesse Buell's license indefinitely as allowed by law.